Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 02-25-2023, 11:47 AM   #60872
Pablo Pablo is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
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This had to have been the best year of Chiefs fandom right? Watching the entire division get ****ing hyped to no end all offseason. They all fail in spectacular fashion. We smack the dogpiss outta them all en route to another SB and MVP season from Pat.

And the clownshow that the Broncos have been is the tastiest dessert ever for that perfect meal. What a putrid franchise from the WalMart/WarCrime ownership to cancer charity scammer embaRussment to the pathetic fans with broken spirits. And they're not done yet! They're just gonna KEEP. ****ING. UP.
Posts: 43,369
Pablo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pablo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pablo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pablo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pablo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pablo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pablo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pablo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pablo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pablo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pablo is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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