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Old 02-21-2023, 01:52 PM   #36612
tredadda tredadda is offline
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Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare View Post
I thought NE fans were bad, but they have nothing on the Eagles' crybabies. " Chiefs cheated" or "it's all scripted and rigged and they don't want Patrick the NFL's golden boy to look bad and lose." This doesn't make sense because Philadelphia is a larger market.
NE fans are by far and away the worst and it's not even close. I get the issues that Philly (1 SB), Buffalo (0 SBs), and Cincy (0 SBs) fans have as they all must feel like luck is never on their side and will find ways to justify it. Way too many Chiefs fans were like that pre-Mahomes. We had a "because Chiefs" mindset that was so bad that even now some on here still show it every time KC loses a game or the other team gains like 2 yards.

NE fans though, they are pissy and bitter now that everything doesn't go their way. They had zero issues with refs until Brady left and they stopped getting the calls they used to. Now suddenly the game is rigged and whatnot. They are insufferable.
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