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Old 02-13-2023, 05:06 PM   #2865
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Originally Posted by ThaVirus View Post

You made a comment about the game a while back about how you were shocked with who was coming next. What did you mean by that? I’m completely clueless as to where they go from here. Seems Kratos’ arc is wrapped up. Perhaps they follow Atreus/Loki now? I didn’t mind the parts of the game where I had to play as him, but I’m not sure I’d be interested in a GoW without Kratos.

Smite is like 50% of my video game play time.

It’s SO enjoyable when everything goes right, but damn if the kids who play the game aren’t the biggest bunch of bitches on the planet. Had a dude quit and sit in base during a ranked match because our jungler didn’t drop his blue buff for him. Never mind the fact that our jungler was 3-0 focusing on ganking duo lane (their carry was a free kill).
ya smite players are a special kind of stupid for the most part. If your solo laner cried about the jungler not dropping his blue, then he's a shit solo laner. He should want that xp and gold solo, not dropped for him lol. I mainly play jungle and solo, jungle is blamed for everything and I play solo because shit solo laners lose games completely.
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