01-29-2023, 02:43 PM
Ain't no relax!
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Originally Posted by HC_Chief
Solo was meh. Not terrible, not great. The whole "his name is Solo because it was assigned to him" bit was horrible... on par with "Greedo shot first". Just, no. There was no need for that. Terrible decision in a long line of successive terrible decisions associated with the Star Wars franchise (going all the way back to the prequels).
IMO what makes Andor so good is they take it seriously. No lame attempts at moronic humor. No "Marvel jokes" peppered into every other line. It is in line with the originals, well, at least episodes IV & V, before Lucas decided to focus more on selling toys than making decent movies. Can you imagine what "Revenge of the Jedi" would have been like on Kashyyk, with wookies instead of those stupid lame teddy bear ewoks? That could have been incredible, esp if he had hired another serious director (Kershner).

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