Thread: Movies and TV Star Wars: Andor
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Old 01-29-2023, 08:08 AM   #319
lawrenceRaider lawrenceRaider is offline
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Originally Posted by Frazod View Post
Agreed. Solo got targeted almost exclusively because of the lingering hatred for Last Jedi.

Kind of reminds me of the reception The Postman received. It was a post-apocalyptic movie starring Kevin Kostner that came out after the odious Waterworld. While it wasn't a great movie, it certainly wasn't bad, but the critics blasted it and it bombed. They, and apparently most moviegoers, were still pissed about Waterworld. Wouldn't have mattered if it was Citizen Kane.
The Postman is a decent movie. Only barely recognizable from the book the movie was made from. If you haven't read the book, I recommend it.

Solo got targeted due to the trash that was Last Jedi, and got the Obi Wan movie canceled.

Solo is a pretty good movie.
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