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Old 01-26-2023, 12:31 PM   #437
rfaulk34 rfaulk34 is offline
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Originally Posted by Pasta Little Brother View Post
Here's a tip that can help you with that....PISS OFF
Ok. I get it. I'm shredding a bunch of reeruns around here and some of you are getting pissed off.

I'm sorry that i can't be the typical lame, jagoff fan that comes on here and looks like a completely ineffectual ponce. I'll make you a deal.

If a mod tells me to **** off, i'll **** off and you'll never see me here again. Sound fair?

Hit them up.
Posts: 3,607
rfaulk34 would the whole thing.rfaulk34 would the whole thing.rfaulk34 would the whole thing.rfaulk34 would the whole thing.rfaulk34 would the whole thing.rfaulk34 would the whole thing.rfaulk34 would the whole thing.rfaulk34 would the whole thing.rfaulk34 would the whole thing.rfaulk34 would the whole thing.rfaulk34 would the whole thing.
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