Originally Posted by Detoxing
Are you kidding me? Not only is it natural, it completely defines millions of people. Their entire self esteem construct is built around the principle that they know things that the common "sheep" does not.
Humans have the need to understand everything around them. When they don't understand something, they make it up or find something that fits within their world view.
Conspiracists are entirely self esteem based. They're often people with sensitive egos who need SOMETHING to make them feel smarter and more special than everyone else. They need their place in this world, and self-righteous reassurance does wonders for confidence.
See: BlackOps, TaQo John.....any of the conspiritards, really.
The Jesuits thank you for being so blind. Buy some more stuff off of WayFair and keep the exploitation machine running you godless heathen.