Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 12-26-2022, 07:46 PM   #55772
gold_and_red gold_and_red is offline

Join Date: Nov 2011
Casino cash: $9865412
So this self-entitled franchise for seven years has believed that they are just a QB away? It worked when they were greasing jerseys, playing the salary cap and taking HGH.
How many GMs, HCs and players have they lost because they couldn't recreate that cheating culture? The sooner they realize that they have to build their team the right way the better their prospects are to finish in 3rd place for the foreseeable future.
Posts: 1,074
gold_and_red must have mowed badgirl's lawn.gold_and_red must have mowed badgirl's lawn.gold_and_red must have mowed badgirl's lawn.gold_and_red must have mowed badgirl's lawn.gold_and_red must have mowed badgirl's lawn.gold_and_red must have mowed badgirl's lawn.gold_and_red must have mowed badgirl's lawn.gold_and_red must have mowed badgirl's lawn.gold_and_red must have mowed badgirl's lawn.gold_and_red must have mowed badgirl's lawn.gold_and_red must have mowed badgirl's lawn.
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