Originally Posted by DJ's left nut
Ugh - forgot about those.
How can the same company responsible for this have also made Obi Wan, looked at it and thought "yeah - that's good..."?
I'd get it if they made ONLY shit. Or if they made only greatness. But how can they be this routinely hit or miss?
My theory is that not even Disney was stupid enough to decline folks with industry gravitas like Willimon and Gilroy when they came knocking on their door.
Their problems seem to come when they pick their creatives — not when people come to them.
I am wondering about BOBF’s production. Boba’s show was supposed to be Mandalorian, but they had to create a new character because Disney wanted Boba for a one off movie. Mando’s two episodes in Boba HAD to be Disney interference, right?
That’s my operating theory, anyway.