Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 11-30-2022, 03:17 PM   #55069
RaidersOftheCellar RaidersOftheCellar is online now
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Originally Posted by Pitt Gorilla View Post
Actually, many folks, including several of us on here, thought it was an insanely stupid deal, mainly because:

THAT hasn't been true for 2+ seasons now. Carroll took a lot of heat for his coaching, but it was pretty clear to just about anyone who actually watches football that Pete was covering for fat rus' declining abilities and obvious deficiencies.
I think Wilson's won 9 of his last 25 games now. And half of those were won by the defense.

Wilson's always been way overrated, but now that he can't run and doesn't have coaches who can mask his deficiencies, this is what you get.
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