Originally Posted by RaidersOftheCellar
Now Hackett's giving sermons about overcoming adversity after one win over one of the worst teams in the league? 
That dude should just be thanking his stars that he walked into a situation with a good defense or he'd be 0-8 right now.
Good defense and a bunch of bad teams on the schedule. If they had the Chiefs schedule they would still be 0-8. Even with that defense.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. Following the historical accounts and the genealogy from that point on, the age of the Earth is approximately 6000-7000 years old. The Big Bullshit Theory is a lie. It and the evolution theory go against real science. Satan has used our public school system to brainwash everyone into believing these lies. Be not decieved.