Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 10-21-2022, 11:59 AM   #52210
Marcellus Marcellus is offline
Diablo Negro
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There are children in 2nd Grade right now that have never seen the Broncos beat the Chiefs. That wouldn't be a huge deal if they didn't play 2x a year every single year.
Posts: 74,145
Marcellus is obviously part of the inner Circle.Marcellus is obviously part of the inner Circle.Marcellus is obviously part of the inner Circle.Marcellus is obviously part of the inner Circle.Marcellus is obviously part of the inner Circle.Marcellus is obviously part of the inner Circle.Marcellus is obviously part of the inner Circle.Marcellus is obviously part of the inner Circle.Marcellus is obviously part of the inner Circle.Marcellus is obviously part of the inner Circle.Marcellus is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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