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Old 10-08-2022, 02:51 PM   #7
Mephistopheles Janx Mephistopheles Janx is offline
The Guy With The Goats
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Originally Posted by TripleThreat View Post

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How do you feel about PittBull's? I posted this because my wife shared this story with me and my son was just recently participating in a "read to sheltered dogs" event where you could adopt a dog (I know brilliant).

I've heard the arguments that PittBull's get a bad wrap, but it seems time and time again they are the focal point of dogs who do these horrible acts.
I have a pitty mix... dopiest boy on the face of the planet. He is about the size of a big cat but weighs 42lbs and it is ALL muscle. Well, muscle and his giant head.

As for the program where kids read to dogs... that is actually pretty awesome. The dogs get interaction with people, the kids practice reading, and they learn about empathy towards animals and the less fortunate. Glad your kid does that.

In regards to the article... it doesn't state what started the attack (we have all seen countless videos of stupid children hitting dogs and cats until they are provoked into a reaction). We also don't know if these people were shitbird dog owners of if they were well trained pups.


If you are gonna get a dog like a Pitty, Mastiff, Cane Corso, Komondor, or any type of dog that is big, muscly, and has a strong sense of preservation... you HAVE to train them. If you have kids... you HAVE to train the kids how to behave around that type of dog.
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