AM 850 KOA has Alfred Williams and Dave Logan on from 3-6 everyday.Called the Sports Zoo. Logan is gone today.
You should hear Alfred Williams. He is a Rusty butt boy. He honestly believes it is the coaches and the game scheme. He does not think Rusty is a prima dona. The guy in for Logan is stirring it up a bit
Hey Alfred
RW has his own QB coach in addition to the QB coach the Broncos have
RW has his own office at Dove Valley
RW has his own chef and does not eat with the team
RW is not liked by most of his team mates here nor was he in Seattle
RW has more twitter followers than any other NFL player
RW did not hand the ball off in OT to get a first down. He wanted to be a hero and "win" the game.
Radio out here right now is priceless. "there is still time for this thing to get fixed". My gut hurts I am laughing so hard.