Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 10-07-2022, 09:29 AM   #51073
dlphg9 dlphg9 is offline
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Originally Posted by MagicHef View Post
Good thing they have the extra days to draw up some more pocket plays for Wilson and slow developing RB pitches.
Blame Wilson. He's pretty much the O Coordinator and has almost complete control of that offense.
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dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.
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