Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 10-07-2022, 07:29 AM   #50986
notorious notorious is offline
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For the first time in my 55 years of loyal Broncos fandom I actually feel embarrassed and dread having to face the guys at work tomorrow. The performance of this team,....this new mega million dollar QB and this new head coach is absolutely deplorable. I wish I could crawl under a rock until this season is over. I am absolutely heart broken over how far the Broncos have sunk from the once proud and feared team I remember them being. I know this post will rub some people wrong but I am just so depressed and saddened by what I just witnessed that I had to get this off my chest.
Posts: 88,019
notorious is obviously part of the inner Circle.notorious is obviously part of the inner Circle.notorious is obviously part of the inner Circle.notorious is obviously part of the inner Circle.notorious is obviously part of the inner Circle.notorious is obviously part of the inner Circle.notorious is obviously part of the inner Circle.notorious is obviously part of the inner Circle.notorious is obviously part of the inner Circle.notorious is obviously part of the inner Circle.notorious is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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