Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 10-07-2022, 07:00 AM   #50975
RedinTexas RedinTexas is online now
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I hate the Broncos more than any other team and I was a fan in the early years when the division was the Chiefs, Raiders, and crap. I enjoy every bit of Bronco misery and ineptitude, but I couldn't watch that crap last night. I spent most of the game not watching because that was one of the worst football games ever played by anyone.
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RedinTexas 's adopt a chief was Sabby PiscitelliRedinTexas 's adopt a chief was Sabby PiscitelliRedinTexas 's adopt a chief was Sabby PiscitelliRedinTexas 's adopt a chief was Sabby PiscitelliRedinTexas 's adopt a chief was Sabby PiscitelliRedinTexas 's adopt a chief was Sabby PiscitelliRedinTexas 's adopt a chief was Sabby PiscitelliRedinTexas 's adopt a chief was Sabby PiscitelliRedinTexas 's adopt a chief was Sabby PiscitelliRedinTexas 's adopt a chief was Sabby PiscitelliRedinTexas 's adopt a chief was Sabby Piscitelli
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