Originally Posted by RaidersOftheCellar
I actually feel sorry for the real fans. I don’t blame them for booing and leaving early. It’s a shitshow and it’s only beginning.
That said….Hackett’s extreme ineptitude might be a blessing in disguise. If he had just sucked, he’d probably be brought back for another year. But unprecedented, epic suckage may pave the way for Payton to replace him next year.
No. sympathy. Zero sympathy. Not one shred.
You don't get to talk all that good shit about the upcoming season and then earn sympathy because it all imploded. And apart from any little kids in the stands who have never experienced a single playoff berth in their entire lives as fans, every single one of those douche****s in the stands is STILL an entitled moron.
Until they realize that their franchise is not immune to the pitfalls of sitting in the tank for years and years and being Cleveland Browns-level inept and that they are not OWED wins or success simply due to what their team used to accomplish, I will continue to twist the knife at their expense.
And given who we're dealing with, that might take awhile for them to change.