Thread: Movies and TV House of the Dragon
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Old 09-24-2022, 12:41 PM   #295
Hammock Parties Hammock Parties is online now
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Originally Posted by ThaVirus View Post
Only because he knows his brother's got a soft spot for him and wouldn't hurt him.

Here's a list:

Oberyn Martell
Jaime Lannister
Barristan Selmy
Arthur Dayne
Robert Baratheon
Jon Snow
Mande Rayder
Tormund Giantsbane

All of these dudes are also kind of shitty but still more badass than Daemon.

Daemon is like Khal Drogo, Tywin Lannister level asshole, except Drogo would rip out his tongue and shit in his mouth and Tywin would prob have had him murdered in his sleep.
he's the most alpha in a beta kingdom

i'm cool with it
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Hammock Parties is obviously part of the inner Circle.Hammock Parties is obviously part of the inner Circle.Hammock Parties is obviously part of the inner Circle.Hammock Parties is obviously part of the inner Circle.Hammock Parties is obviously part of the inner Circle.Hammock Parties is obviously part of the inner Circle.Hammock Parties is obviously part of the inner Circle.Hammock Parties is obviously part of the inner Circle.Hammock Parties is obviously part of the inner Circle.Hammock Parties is obviously part of the inner Circle.Hammock Parties is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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