Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 09-01-2022, 10:44 AM   #47433
Pasta Little Brioni Pasta Little Brioni is offline
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Kc overcame a legendary performance by Allen and the number 1 defense, so Russ and his Mediocres don't scare anyone. The only thing that prevented a 2nd Mahomes title was a 2nd half injury against Cincy that he didn't want to use as an excuse. (He takes a fluke shot early in the 2nd half and obviously that's what happened with his performance)
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Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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