Originally Posted by Tges58
So what you are saying is this board has more class than the Orange Puddle. Tell us something we don't know.
As far as my trash talk, go back and read what was posted to me right before that.
Yes your fanbase ARE a bunch of snowflakes.. Your thin-skinned asses have no answer to my post except snide namecalling.
Sorry, but it's true.
As I have told you several times, our fans are going to be given a longer leash with opposing fans. You can't come to a Broncos board, spout the stuff you spout, and expect to get a friendly, gracious response. There have been a few times we have given quiet warnings to our fans in that situation, basically asking them to tone it down. That's generally going to be the extent of it, unless they just go off the rails after we asked them to stop.
If I remember correctly, you pretty early in your time there made a crass remark about the Columbine shooting. Really bad idea on a Denver board. Those wounds are still fresh. (I personally had a niece and nephew who were in the Columbine cafeteria when it happened. Thank God, they were sitting fairly close to an exit. But I have been on a boat with my now-adult niece when someone let off a firework, and I watched her immediate reaction of cowering and crying. My nephew, it didn't seem to phase. But my niece has PTSD, and has gotten lots of therapy for it. Columbine smack is not cool. At all.)