Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare
So you can't prove it and want to be a contrarian
You’re the contrarian here, dude.
You’re suggesting that our star QB’s daughter isn’t biologically his because.. *checks notes*.. his wife is apparently an adulterer based on no evidence whatsoever.
Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare
Still want to beca contrarian considering how rare to the point with all those indicators it would be called a mutation.
If it was a regular occurrence, we wouldn't be having the discussion

Good Lord, now you’re talking about mutations.
At this point it is 100% clear to everyone here except you that you have no ****ing clue what you’re talking about. I gave you an easy out and yet you continue.
I am so ****ing embarrassed for you right now, bro.
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut
I know a straight up ginger who's grandparents are first generation Americans from Mexico. And his dad looks it.
Genetics are weird.
Apparently homeboy forgot Eric Berry had a red beard!
Black dude, black parents, black grandparents,
red beard.
I mean, I suppose it’s possible that that gene came from a black ancestor, but I’d bet it’s far more likely that he has a semi-recent white ancestor who passed that on and it just randomly expressed itself.