Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe
"I don't know how much they're going to win in Denver, but there's no way that this trade is not going to be worth it. Knowing Russell like I do, he's just not going to fail. Again, what does it mean when you have a good quarterback in a division like this? Does it mean you go 10-7 or 14-3? I can't tell you. They're not going 7-10. I will tell you that." - Peter King on Russell Wilson

Peter King sits when he pees.
"In America, the impossible is what we do best."
-President Donald Trump
"Be my brother or I’ll kill you."
Nicolas Chamfort Sébastien-Roch, on the French Revolutionary principle of fraternity
"Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere."
GK Chesterton
"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world."