Originally Posted by GROB
I'm honored you think about myself and the Broncos that much that you took the time to fill out a well throughout post. Do us all a favor especially your family and those that care about you. Check yourself into a rehab facility. The POPOV and Natural Light is kicking your ass and anything else you are putting in your body that makes you have your sudden out bursts.
What an absolute butt****ing moron!! You realize you’re the ****tard that’s once again on an opposing teams board… and not just any team, BUT the team who has owned your team for over half a decade… and counting (2512

). I’m sure you’re high on the autism spectrum, so it’s likely impossible to get that understanding through your thick ass skull. Now, keep getting your nose rubbed in shit if you like little puppy. We’re all here for the comedy gold, you and your pathetically horrible takes deliver. The good news is, just like your numbskull partner Knowshit, you’ll both disappear like a fart in the wind AGAIN in October. And oh how your salty tears will be sooooo tasty… as they ALWAYS are!!