Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 05-05-2022, 09:30 PM   #43084
Willie Lanier Willie Lanier is offline

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Originally Posted by staylor26 View Post
Why is KnowMo passive aggressively posting what Bob McGinn had to say about all of our draft picks in each of their threads?

You know he’s shook.
I think you nailed it; he's scared, but is choosing the route of passive aggressive behavior to assert his lack of fear
Posts: 1,983
Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.Willie Lanier would the whole thing.
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