Thread: Movies and TV Severance
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Old 03-25-2022, 02:45 PM   #9
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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Things heated up a shit ton this week, and I gotta say . . . It's not everyday that a long-established and well-known music standard is completely recontextualized by how perfectly it's used in a new piece of creativity. But they pulled that off splendidly as well this episode, not to spoil with specifics . . . [actually, to a minor extent, TWO well-known standards, though the second was more just a great use, than a re-contextualization].

And holy shit the closing moment!!
We need the kind of courage that can withstand the subtle corruption of the cynics - E.W.
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Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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