Thread: Movies and TV Must Watch Series
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Old 02-08-2022, 06:55 PM   #1538
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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Originally Posted by Buehler445 View Post
So is Euphoria a good watch? I thought it looked like a chick flick. Not a hard and fast position, just first glance scrolling by.
It's highly stylized and very youth drama, but there isn't a lot out there that can compete with its bluntness and occasional beauty.

Chick flick might fit it, but it's a little grimier and more raw than a 'girlie' show.

Did you see 'Kids' when it came out? Or the British show 'Skins' more recently.

Basically up to date exploration and dramatization of navigating the perils of being a modern teen, drinking, drugs, sex, parties, betrayals, trying to fit in, being ostrasized, ****ing up, paying the consequences, etc.

But what sets it apart is the execution. A lot of the drama is set by the cinematography and blocking. Some frames are literally a work of art. And the music and voiceovers and flashbacks and imagery are all very evocative.

It's heightened in much the same way being a near-adult teen is heightened, more dramatic, more consequential, more devastating, etc.
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