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Old 12-20-2021, 12:50 PM   #302
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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Originally Posted by Pawnmower View Post
just read your moronic posts that were directed at me in the GDT

they are clearly not "concocted" in my own mind, you actually said that stupid shit
Yeah, I was mocking your moronic standard what if you aren't HOPING hard enough as a fan, it makes you a gutless pussy coward traitor who needs to die a fiery death.

And I MOCKED it, I didn't condemn it, or wish death on you.

Heck, I probably would have just ignored it altogether if you hadn't strung some many invectives together. Just gutless, or just pussy, or just coward, or just traitor, or EVEN just DIE A FIERY DEATH. I'm an easygoing guy by predisposition.

And none of that spoke to my actual assessment of the team as a whole or Mahomes as a QB, just your violent hateful rhetoric for people who 'fan' different than you do.

I get that people enjoy their fandom in different ways. Some are pollyannish, some are clinicians, some are pessimists, some just enjoy the spectacle, some are math and analytic focused getting their enjoyment from the stats and odds, some are focused on specific aspects of the whole picture, some 'jack off and cummmmmm' for certain types of plays and could give a shit about the rest of it.

You have a very specific vision of the proper way to be a fan and a blinding hatred and plenty of corrosive intentions for those who fall into apostacy from your narrow POV.

Hoping doesn't do shit for anything. GDT isn't a prayer thread. And it certainly isn't a linear meter for your worth as a person or fan.

EDIT - and BEFORE you twist it into a different message for your own purposes. I was HOPING the same thing you were, just as much. But I also knew that the game would be determined by what happened on the field. So it was important that more things happened than my hope, like the defense stiffening and Tyreek not being hobbled, and how tired or energized the opposition was, . . . you know, THE GAME. All of that stuff is interesting and engrossing, and the camaraderie of fellow fans enhances it, even if they have reeruned opinions. But your energy was a huge detriment to fandom, ironically even while you were trying to pose as the ultimate exemplar of fandom, . . . for that matter partially because you were trying to do that, in that moment.
We need the kind of courage that can withstand the subtle corruption of the cynics - E.W.

Last edited by Baby Lee; 12-20-2021 at 01:00 PM..
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