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Old 12-20-2021, 12:40 PM   #301
ChiTown ChiTown is offline
Stroking to the SB Champs!
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Flatlands of Kansas
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I kinda like the idea for a GDTTT (Game Day Temper Tantrum Thread) where you can just puke up and uncontrollably spew diarrhea in one spot - maybe put it in Romper Room?

Leave the GDT for people that actually what to, you know, share thoughts and discuss the game. And, there should absolutely be a quick jettison trigger for anyone puking up/shitting out ridiculous comments in the GDT
Posts: 40,758
ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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