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Old 11-11-2021, 04:21 PM   #103
DaFace DaFace is offline
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Originally Posted by Spott View Post
I googled most popular professional sport in the US. As far as viewership, soccer was below the 4 major professional team sports. One site combined viewership with the amount of people that played the sport, which put soccer above hockey. I’m guessing that there’s not a lot of Americans south of Michigan, Wisconsin, etc. that have ever played hockey.
Yeah, it's really tough to come up with a ranking that covers all of the different angles. Just spitballing, you could rank a sport's popularity in terms of:
  • Percent who are currently active participants
  • Percent who have ever actively participated
  • Attendance at games (K-12, college, or pro - all different)
  • TV viewership
  • Ticket revenue
  • TV revenue
  • Opinion based - forced ranking (e.g., which is your favorite?)
  • Opinion based - all that apply (e.g., which do you like?)

I'm sure there are plenty more. It just doesn't make a ton of sense to throw out percentages in a vacuum when we don't know what they mean.
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