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Old 10-14-2021, 02:25 PM   #31584
Easy 6 Easy 6 is offline
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Originally Posted by -King- View Post
I mean like 90% of the underneath stuff still comes from Hill and Kelce. So it's not like we're forcing defenses to make a choice. We need our other WRs and RBs to be successful underneath. Then defenses have to make a choice between coving them and Kelce underneath or covering Tyreek deep.

Right now teams will let us have the underneath stuff with Hill because we're basically helping them out. So yeah we're having success but defenses are dictating how we can be successful. The defenses will keep guarding deep and if you have Tyreek run a short route, fine so be it. We need Gordon to be a Sammy Watkins player that forces them to defend the underneath and intermediate stuff and still have to worry about someone going deep.
I get the sense you're arguing with me, but I wouldn't disagree with what you're saying here... we desperately need Gordon to pick up where prime Watkins left off
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