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Old 08-06-2021, 02:08 PM   #9347
Prison Bitch Prison Bitch is offline
Rabbi Goldmann

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Originally Posted by Bearcat View Post
And providers were already losing viewers by the droves pre-Covid and obviously the past year just escalated that.... and so casual fans are driven away because of overall cost and going to cheaper alternatives that mostly don't involve sports.... and for good measure, alienate your hard core fans with add in-game commercials, pre/post games that are mostly commercials, almost no content/build up to the actual games, constant disputes and channels disappearing (thanks, Dish ), etc.
I wonder how much of the sports audience drop is <30 age.

When I was in HS and college, I couldn’t stop watching espn. Even liked the nba back then

But I didn’t have 8,000 cable channels and online stuff and internet porn and etc etc. possible that young folks just aren’t into a QB sack or a buzzer beater like I was
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