06-07-2021, 04:08 PM
Did you hear what I said?
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Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud
I recently re-watched the entire Star Wars film saga and came away a revelation or two.
First off, how was Vader's Imperial Star Destroyer able to instantly follow Tantive IV from Scarif to Tatooine? Hyperspace tracking wasn't "a thing" at that time and I don't recall seeing anyone plant a homing beacon the Rebel ship.
And secondly, man, the backlash to The Last Jedi really killed a great movie in Solo. I hadn't watched it in a few years but after seeing it this past weekend, wow, is it a great Star Wars film! The acting, direction, VFX and cast were perfect, IMO, even Alden Ehrenreich. Sure, he's not Harrison Ford but he does a really, really great job with a really difficult role.
The only aspect of Solo that doesn't meet expectations is the score. The first ten minutes, which were composed and conducted by John Williams, is fine. But John Powell's score is weak at best and some of the choices made by the director and editors weren't good, IMO, specifically, the use of Han's Theme in the asteroid field in The Empire Strikes Back. That music fit the scene in Empire perfectly but now, that's ruined because they repurposed the music while Han was making the Kessel Run.
Otherwise, I think it's the second best of the new movies, just a hair behind Rogue One although R.O. isn't nearly as "fun" as Solo. As most people know, there's a Lando series in development right now but I've heard some whispers about brining back A.E. for a Solo series as well. I would love to see the seedy underworld under the Empire's control and a Solo series would kill it, IMO.
As I've said before, Solo is really the only Star Wars movie that captures the fun, swashbuckling feel of the original. I loved it. Outside of the original three, the only ones I'll ever bother to watch again are Solo and Rogue One.
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