Originally Posted by tredadda
I was a huge fan of the original Rome (so much so that I had actually gotten it on mobile) as well as Medieval 2 although I think I ended up getting the Total Realism mod for it which significantly changed the game.
I have the original for iPad but have never played it, just haven't had time given I want to finish up my PS4 games.
I played the original game forever on PC with the XGM mod and then after I switched to Mac, I helped the Feral team get some mods working on MacOS as well.
Speaking of Feral, they're part of the team doing this remaster. They have been porting games to MacOS and Linux for a while and are probably THE gaming company for MacOS. They bring a wealth of experience and some of the things they've done with the Total War series in terms of bug fixes and adjustments were really needed. They're an awesome company and because of them, I have very high hopes for this game.
PS: Feral is who ported Rome Total War to mobile.