Thread: Money Bitcoin Take?
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Old 01-08-2021, 07:07 PM   #2189
BWillie BWillie is offline
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Originally Posted by eDave View Post
I firmly believe every single person on this planet should move their entire cash savings account to BTC. At least one coin worth if you scared. It blows my mind this isn't happening. For real. It's how I started. No DCA or nothing, like the girls do.
As it currently stands it would take a super computer about the entire time until our sun burnt out to crack your bitcoin private key. But what if quantum computing gets more and more advanced? The day one 24-word private key is broken, bitcoin is worthless overnight. With that said, any password protected account would pretty much be the end as well.
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BWillie is obviously part of the inner Circle.BWillie is obviously part of the inner Circle.BWillie is obviously part of the inner Circle.BWillie is obviously part of the inner Circle.BWillie is obviously part of the inner Circle.BWillie is obviously part of the inner Circle.BWillie is obviously part of the inner Circle.BWillie is obviously part of the inner Circle.BWillie is obviously part of the inner Circle.BWillie is obviously part of the inner Circle.BWillie is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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