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Old 10-08-2020, 09:43 PM   #619
htismaqe htismaqe is offline
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Originally Posted by Raiderhader View Post
This is the actual truth of what has taken place. And I’ll admit to a minor adjustment to my thinking on the DC forum: I was totally against for the historical reason given here and, later on, because segregation of the subjects seemed to be creating the divide between posters that we are now seeing. When in a single forum you jump from a political subject you disagree on to a thread about the Chiefs (or any subject for that matter) that you do agree on the hatred doesn’t build as rapidly, or at all. Where as segregated forums where it is easy to lock into a general topic, people tend to find themselves focused on those topics ruling their passions at the moment and eventually a habit forms.

But as politics has become apart of sports and every other aspect of life, it is seeping (flowing?) back into the general discussion forum. And. Ow you have all of the animosity full fledged here as well.

My minor adjustment I alluded to is that the segregated forums brought about extra animosity to this board but, in reality, given the way life has played out, that would have eventually happened anyway, the segregation just brought it about faster. Which ultimately supports my original position of keeping it all one forum.
Trust me, it wasn't an easy decision. There wasn't really a great answer.
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htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.