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Old 10-08-2020, 09:34 PM   #605
WhiteWhale WhiteWhale is offline
Bring it on Ahab!
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Originally Posted by OnTheWarpath15 View Post
Ironically, take a look at the two-three who have the most posts in this thread...DC regulars.
One of them is probably me. I've never reported anyone and, to my knowledge, have never been reported.

NOR do I post politics in the lounge. Except this thread where I've attempted to have a conversation and have been entirely cordial to those who haven't insulted me. If you insult me, I'll call you a **** and tell you to **** off regardless of topic.

But I wont report you.
Posts: 14,861
WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.WhiteWhale is obviously part of the inner Circle.