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Old 10-08-2020, 09:25 PM   #601
OnTheWarpath15 OnTheWarpath15 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bwana View Post
As someone else mentioned, the reason for this thread is, there a some people who can't resist bringing DC crap into the lounge. It's like their brain freezes up and they have an uncontrollable impulse to post something political.

Roughly half our reported posts have something to do with politics. Either someone is butt hurt over something someone posed in DC (sometimes justified, sometimes not) or someone posted something political in the Lounge.
Ironically, take a look at the two-three who have the most posts in this thread...DC regulars.
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OnTheWarpath15 is obviously part of the inner Circle.OnTheWarpath15 is obviously part of the inner Circle.OnTheWarpath15 is obviously part of the inner Circle.OnTheWarpath15 is obviously part of the inner Circle.OnTheWarpath15 is obviously part of the inner Circle.OnTheWarpath15 is obviously part of the inner Circle.OnTheWarpath15 is obviously part of the inner Circle.OnTheWarpath15 is obviously part of the inner Circle.OnTheWarpath15 is obviously part of the inner Circle.OnTheWarpath15 is obviously part of the inner Circle.OnTheWarpath15 is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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