Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 09-21-2020, 10:50 AM   #37507
RunKC RunKC is offline
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Originally Posted by staylor26 View Post
I’m not going to worry about something that is extremely rare.

Lawrence isn’t a spoiled bitch like Eli.
We live in an era of spoiled children. And honestly, I wouldn’t go to NY unless there was a new HC I could get on board with.

Manning has pretty much abandoned the Colts and aligned himself with Denver. Always going to their practices, helping Siemien and Lock, etc.

If Manning and Elway try to talk to him about this I could see it happening.

Let’s hope that:

A. They win games and get out of the top 3
B. If that does happen, they get absolutely raped by compensation. RGIII trade type of raped
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