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Old 09-13-2020, 02:13 AM   #2821
kjwood75nro kjwood75nro is offline
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Originally Posted by mr. tegu View Post
On the TDs to Kelce and Hill they are both just so good but the broadcast doesn’t really bother to mention either one at all or point out the difficulty. If basically any other QB makes either throw announcers would be talking about amazing anticipation or amazing falling backwards pinpoint pass. Mahomes can barely get an at a boy from the announcers.
Case in point, at 6:15 in the 1st Quarter, they suck Watson's cock for an 8-yard "jump pass" where one foot never left the ground, and the pass was straight ahead of him, unpressured, no angle, no scramble, within the pocket.

Then they try to equate him to Mahomes, as though they're in the same universe of impressive plays.

Meanwhile, Mahomes completely clowns Watson with his incomplete passes to Robinson.
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