Thread: RIP Flopnuts
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Old 05-12-2020, 07:57 AM   #256
luv luv is offline
You think you can get by this?
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Springfield, MO
Casino cash: $-930000
Why do people my age keep dying? Aren't we just now supposed to be at our mid-life crisis? Mike was great. He rode up to KC with me one time, and it was a blast. It was the first time he was going to be meeting a bunch of people, and he was excited anxious. First person I ever knew who vaped. Not sure why that comes to mind. Probably because he convinced me that it was safe to do in my RIP.
Posts: 63,549
luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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