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Old 02-02-2020, 02:02 PM   #5571
rabblerouser rabblerouser is offline
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Originally Posted by FAX View Post
Does it strike anyone else as odd that a self-described "intelligent individual" finds it difficult to spell, "Chiefs" ... a one-syllable word? A word that is included in the page header?

I before E (except after C ... and, of course, many chemical names), Mr. John Dowd.

Perhaps his time would be better spent cleaning his personal fecal matter off the sidewalk then retiring to his safe space?

I'll reiterate :
I've always been a firm believer that people who have to declare how intelligent they are may not be very intelligent at all...

What say you, Mr. FAX?
MY ADOPT-A-CHIEF : Jody Fortson Jr.
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rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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