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Old 01-28-2020, 08:53 AM   #3807
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by TomahawkChump View Post
You're making up an argument that didn't exist, you dunce. No one said they were better than the Chiefs, but thank you for the unbiased breakdown.
You called them a dominant team, sweetheart.

If 80% of the Chiefs = 'dominant', then you've defined the word out of existence.

If you don't want people to pick apart your idiocy, try not being an idiot.
"If there's a god, he's laughing at us.....and our football team..."

"When you look at something through rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."
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DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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