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Old 01-26-2020, 03:04 PM   #3501
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by staylor26 View Post
Definitely not a fan of this stat. Yeesh.
No shit.

There's some signal to noise in there, but 3 of those games involved a clearly inferior QB coming out on top.

It's a bit of an arbitrary endpoint so I'll take some comfort in that, but it's still a nasty little bugger, isn't it?
"If there's a god, he's laughing at us.....and our football team..."

"When you look at something through rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."
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DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.DJ's left nut is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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