Originally Posted by A8bil
As noted, i took all games where the 49ers had all of their starting d-line. Week 1-11 and the 2 playoff games. That includes 2 games against Murray and 1 game against Wilson. With those players, the sacks were one every 7.6 pass attempts (3/24; 5/34; 4/33). People have a mistaken sense that mobile QBs have not been sacked by the 49ers. That's not true. They have been sacked, however, they have also proven the ability to prolong plays and that's when the secondary has been most vulnerable. Bosa, Buckner and Armstead are quick, but they're not fast. I think PM's ability to prolong plays is th 49ers greatest concern (which is pretty much every team's concerns who face KC!).
Both sides will win their share of plays. Y'all have a great pass rush and they'll have success getting to him occasionally, but I think he will occasionally pull some magical stuff as well.
Personally I think Mahomes might have even better "Spidey sense" than the likes of Wilson. Russ got completely blindsided by the Packers on a corner blitz. Watching that, I couldn't help but feel like Mahomes would have done a better job than him on that one. I swear this kid has eyes in the back of his head.