Originally Posted by Three7s
I don't get why these 49er fans think we've faced teams with zero pass rush this year, when that's far from the truth. Even then, Mahomes is among the best at escaping pressure and making plays. You guys should know all about that from last year........OH WAIT DIFFERENT TEAM!
Go ahead, keep underestimating Mahomes like every other opposing fanbase this year. It didn't end pretty for most of them, and I doubt it will for you either.
I have seen the Chiefs schedule. I'm not impressed.
You have not seen the 49ers pass rush . It's relentless like not many others in the league.
All I am saying is if a person believes SPEED is why the Chiefs will dominate the 49ers Defense then they really have not been paying attention to the 49ers.
If the Chiefs wait for the SPEED's long routes to develop then good luck .
I see Mahomes throwing most of his passes while running outside of the hash marks . I don't believe any QB can win a game doing this for 60 minutes. Russell Wilson tried it and he is sitting at home for this one.
If the Chiefs pass Defense can hold up then it will be a tough game for the 49ers to win.
Good Luck !