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Old 01-23-2020, 12:01 PM   #2561
All22 All22 is offline

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Originally Posted by TripleThreat View Post
The burden of proof still isn’t with him. You make a claim it’s true, he turns around and says it’s not. Your back to square 1. How entitled do you think you are? I truly hope you don’t act this way in real life. The burden of proof is always on the person presenting the fact. I’f your only evidence is, well it’s true, the information is readily available by google, anyone can say, well it’s not, the information is readily available via google. It’s not until you provide facts and data that the burden of proving you wrong falls on someone else. . .
No, he even acknowledged that we did have the hardest stretch by SOS that late in the season, and acknowledged that it was widely reported and that he was aware that it was true.

His claim is that we should take some other metrics in consideration as well when using the term "hardest", so I asked him to provide those metrics.

There is zero contention that SF had a historically hard stretch of games using the most common metric.
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