Originally Posted by 94605Niner
yea,How's the trailer park life treating you?
How’s the Faders treating you, you bandwagon jumping pussy?
1) Faders still suck and have for decades (just like you after what your uncle did to you just before going to prison)
2) Faders are moving from the shit hole that is Jokeland.... AGAIN
3) 49ers are doing good this season and you can bust out your Kap jersey from your last stint as a 9ers fan
4) perfect opportunity to root for a winning team again and pretend you have lots of knowledge of 9ers history.
Sound about right?? Wouldn’t be surprised to see you wearing a Rams SB shirt from last year (although I’m not sure what the county jails policy is on wearing non orange jumpsuits)
Jimmy G is a game manager worse than Alex Smith, Jesus Crapololol had almost as many turnovers as TDs. You played a game where you scored 9 points this year against a shitty Redskins team. You’re a run first team with a decent pass rush but a weak secondary. Your “amazing defense” has less given up less than one point per game than KC, you have 3 more sacks on the season, and less interceptions. We have the best TE in the game, the cheetah, Watkins, Hardman, Williams, and the best qb on the planet leading the offense. You and your pussy ass fan base are gonna watch that vaunted defense get run ragged and their shit pushed in (which I’m sure is probably bookmarked in your search history) and you’re gonna be like every loud mouth fan base that was here before you. Staring with an open mouth as your team gets destroyed by KC on the way to get Andy a ring. Then POOF, you’ll be gone like Houdini just like the others before you.