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Old 01-23-2020, 04:40 AM   #2390
All22 All22 is offline

Join Date: Jan 2020
Casino cash: $10000400
Going down by 24 points in the first quarter isn't a sign of potential weakness... it's a strength.

I hate to break it to y'all but that's just blood in the water.
Posts: 162
All22 < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.All22 < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.All22 < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.All22 < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.All22 < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.All22 < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.All22 < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.All22 < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.All22 < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.All22 < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.All22 < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.
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