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Old 01-22-2020, 07:52 PM   #2035
rabblerouser rabblerouser is offline
left blank intentionally
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Belize Nuts
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Originally Posted by 94605Niner View Post
stop harping on a typo.
Do you not proofread what you type before you hit send?

I do.

Then I usually reread what I posted, and if I have any typos, i hit "edit" and i fix that shit. If i accidentally get "your" instead of "you're", I go back and fix that shit.

But then again, i went to ****ing college and have an IQ that is higher than room temperature. Whereas, in Oakland, I'm sure the smartest gangbanger on the block has 3 brain cells left - a lonely one, a stupid one, and an angry one.
MY ADOPT-A-CHIEF : Jody Fortson Jr.
Posts: 32,455
rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.rabblerouser is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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